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baby ate my eightballの例文


  • Some of the songs recorded barely resemble their earlier demo versions including " Baby Ate My Eightball ", which originally " had this sort of Miami based rhythm with babies crying and glasses smashing " and was " very abrasive ".
  • The track " Run-Away " was singled out for praise by several publications with the " Independent on Sunday " calling the song " outstanding ", Culture Deluxe claiming the track showed the Super Furries at " their pop-best " and proved they " could do no wrong " and the " NME " stating that " with a chorus as big as guitarist Huw Bunford's new serial-killer beard, it's up there with the most finely polished weapons in the SFA armoury " . " Baby Ate My Eightball " received some criticism, with " The Independent " claiming that it " falls short of expectations, its limp disco groove providing uncertain footing for Rhys's rococo confection of harmonies " and " Uncut " stating that the song, along with " Neo Consumer ", doesn't " tell us anything we didn't already know " about the band.